Alternatives resources for mental health and addiction emergencies for an adult clientele

If you need to speak quickly to a caregiver, consult or find out about the various services and resources available, consult the tabs below according to your needs or those of a loved one.
Mental health
24/7 crisis resources
Need to speak with someone quickly?
To quickly reach a psychosocial intervention professional to discuss your situation and be directed to the appropriate service |
To find support if you or a loved one is thinking about suicide |
24/7 Helpline TEL-AIDE OUTAOUAIS |
For listening, help and support resources in Vallée-de-la-Gatineau |
Suicide Détour :
In case of immediate danger to you or a loved one? Call 911
Other resources available in the Outaouais Region
- To view the Guide des services en santé mentale by community organizations - Santé mentale Outaouais (SMO)
- For mental health and addiction services and resources, visit the CISSS de l’Outaouais webpage
Alcohol, drugs and gambling
24/7 resources
To quickly reach a psychosocial intervention professional to discuss your situation and be directed to the appropriate service |
If you are concerned about your drug use or that of a loved one |
If gambling is a problem for you or someone close to you |
Resources in the Outaouais Region
Addiction services at the CISSS de l’Outaouais, including the Centre de réadaptation en dépendance de l’Outaouais (CRDO) |
Harm reduction community organizations : |
Centre d’Intervention et de Prévention en Toxicomanie de l’Outaouais (CIPTO)
Action SIDA Outaouais Regional Office (BRAS)
Medical and/or psychosocial needs
Need a medical consultation and/or psychosocial consultation and I have a family doctor |
Primary Care Point (GAP) |
Abuse and violence
Resources for help and information regarding abuse and violence
To quickly reach a psychosocial intervention professional to discuss your situation and be directed to the appropriate service |
Provincial 24/7 line – SOS violence conjugale |
Centre d’aide et de lutte contre les agressions sexuelles de l’Outaouais (CALAS) (Help for girls and women victims of sexual abuse aged 12 and over) |
Centre d’aide aux victimes d’actes criminels (CAVAC) |
Donne-toi une chance (help for men and fathers) |
Impact-Rivière-Gatineau (violent behaviour and inter-family conflicts; on-call responder 24/7) |
AUTONHOMME PONTIAC (also provides mental health and suicide prevention services) |
Sexual health
Resources for sexual health assistance
CLIC Santé | |
Aire ouverte (ages 12-25) |
Jeunesse Idem (ages 7-35) |
Trans Outaouais | |
Interligne |
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