Living with a disability

“Living with a disability” covers people with a physical disability (PD), an intellectual disability (ID) or an autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

  • A physical disability (PD) is characterized by a limitation of a person’s ability to hear, see, speak or move. A physical disability may be present at birth or occur at any time during a person’s life. Such a disability is permanent and prevents the affected person from performing daily activities or to fully exercise their roles as citizens.
  • Intellectual disability (ID) is characterized by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning (reasoning, judgement, comprehension, general knowledge, memory, information processing speed, etc.) and in adaptive behaviour, in a range of areas, including communication, socialization, daily life and motor skills, during the development stage, i.e., before age 18. An intellectual disability diagnosis paves the way to specialized services where needed.
  • Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are characterized by:
    • persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction
    • stereotyped behaviours and limited interests

What services do we offer?

Several programs and specialized services are offered following a referral based on the individual’s needs and type of disability.

The range of services offered within the CISSS include adaptation and rehabilitation services to develop the personal, residential, social, academic and professional independence of people living with a disability.

  • Technical aids services for the four physical impairments: motor, hearing, vision and language.
  • Highly specialized services for neuro-locomotor disorders: amputations, burn centres, as well as the development of cutting-edge expertise in Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI) or Severe Disruptive Disorders (SDD) programs.
  • Residential and home adaptation programs and respite services.
  • Day activities to strengthen social inclusion.
  • Vehicle adaptation programs and rent/transportation subsidy programs delivered in partnership with community organizations.
  • Home care support services

Service request

Service requests are made by dialing 811 (Info-Social).

They are submitted to the Guichet d'accès en déficience intellectuelle, déficience physique et trouble du spectre de l'autisme (DI-DP-TSA) or the ID-PD-ASD access point which directs you to appropriate program/service as quickly as possible.