
The Public Health department has put together an information section on breastfeeding.

It contains useful tips and resources to support you during this period.

  • Physiologically, breastfeeding is what follows pregnancy and childbirth. All women produce breast milk
  • Breast milk is made up of unique nutrients that are perfect for the baby’s specific needs. It is easy to digest and is fully absorbed by the baby
  • No commercial baby formula can imitate or replace breast milk
  • Since commercial baby formulas do not contain antibodies and other nutrients that protect the child against certain diseases, infants nursed with these products have a greater risk of developing gastrointestinal, respiratory and ear infections
  • It is sometimes difficult for some women to cope with disapproving looks from onlookers when they breastfeed in public. However, the more often women breastfeed in public places, the more comfortable the public will become with this occurrence.

Benefits of breastfeeding

  • For the child, breastfeeding ensures optimal growth and development. It helps protect the child against gastrointestinal infections and reduces the impact and severity of several infectious diseases
  • For the mother, breastfeeding her baby has beneficial effects such as a lower risk of breast cancer for pre-menopausal women. Breastfeeding also provides a unique and comforting contact between the mother and her baby
  • For the family, breastfeeding is inexpensive, ecological and practical. Furthermore, having a baby in good health is reassuring for the parents.
  • And there are many other reasons...

For how long should you breastfeed?

The World Health Organization (WHO) and Health Canada recommend breastfeeding exclusively (no other liquid or food) for a period of six (6) months. Around 6 months, solid food can be introduced and the mother may continue breastfeeding until the child is 2 years old and even beyond, if she and the child wish.  However, how long you breastfeed depends on your personal goals.

Watch the video

Breastfeeding and attaching your baby at the breast


See also 

Local organizations that can support you in breastfeeding: