Physical disability
A physical disability is characterized by a limitation of a person’s ability to hear, see, speak or move. A physical disability may be present at birth or occur at any time during a person’s life. Such a disability is permanent and prevents the affected person from performing daily activities or to fully exercise their roles as citizens.
The following is the list of programs for PD clients:
- Rehabilitation and integration program for children with physical disabilities (RIEDP)
- Rehabilitation and integration program for adults with a motor impairment
- Intensive functional rehabilitation program
- Rehabilitation and integration program for individuals with a hearing impairment
- Rehabilitation and integration program for individuals with a visual impairment
- Technical aids (SRAT)
- Driving evaluation and vehicle adaptation program (PCAAV)
- Communication aids service (ATCOM)
Making a service request
The services can be obtained following:
- a request by the person or by his family by dialing 811 (Info-Santé/Info-Social)
- a request by the person or by his family to CLSC social services
- a referral by a physician
- a referral by a professional from the network
- a transfer from another region
Intellectual Disability, Physical Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ID-PD-ASD)
124, Lois Street
Gatineau, Quebec J8Y 3R7
Phone number: 819-770-8850
Fax: 819-777-7174
The centralized DDR access point:
- processes requests
- directs you to the appropriate program/service
- as quickly as possible