Nutrition 0-5 years

Nutrition services (0-5 years old) are targeted at:

  • Parents who need dietary advice for their children aged 0 to 5 
  • Children aged 0 to 5 and presenting dietary problems 

How do I access the services?


One-on-one consultation with a nutritionist is available upon referral by a physician, a health professional, or at the request of a client contacting her CLSC social services.

The service is offered following a needs assessment, and based on available resources.

What should I expect?

  • Parents are invited to take part in group information sessions on child nutrition. Parents will receive tips on the foundation of a healthy nutrition for proper diets for infants and children as well as recommendations for healthy eating habits.
  • For children presenting nutritional problems, a nutritional assessment is performed and a treatment plan is established.

Where and when are services provided?

 One-on-one meetings are held at the CLSC or at home, as needed. Group sessions are available at CLSCs.