Vaccination 0-4 years
Vaccination services are targeted at children aged 0 to 4 and are provided by nurses at CLSCs.
Similarly to the Quebec Immunisation Program, the 0-4 years vaccination service aims to improve the population’s health by offering certain vaccines for free. These vaccines protect against specific diseases.
The Quebec Immunisation Program includes various free and voluntary vaccination programs. The regular vaccination calendar includes vaccines that are offered free of charge under the Québec Immunisation Program. These vaccines are recommended for everyone.
How do I access the services?
Contact your CLSC to find out how to proceed or where to go in order to get vaccinated. You can also call Info-Santé (811) to know your nearest vaccination site.
What should I expect?
A meeting lasting approximately 20 minutes, including an assessment of the child’s physical health, the administration of the vaccine and an observation/waiting period. Do not forget to bring your vaccination record with you when you go for your appointment. The vaccination record is generally provided at birth or during the first vaccination appointment. For questions regarding vaccinations, contact Info-Santé (811), your CLSC, or your doctor.