ID-ASD Socio-Professional Services

This program is for clients with an intellectual disability (ID) or an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who have finished school and have complex needs in terms of day residence, in continuity and complementarity with services offered in the community.

The service aims to ensure that users are participating in meaningful and ancillary activities.

How do I access the services?

Your request will be assessed based on your needs and the intensity of the services required. Next, you will be directed to the most appropriate program matching your needs and one or more professionals will be assigned to you.

For companies wishing to welcome these clients, a meeting is scheduled with an educator and a support worker during integration and afterwards as needed.

The following is a list of services ranked from the lowest to the highest intensity:

  • Work integration service. In a rural setting, an integration officer will support you in your work effort, in volunteering or in a practicum. In urban settings and in the Petite-Nation region, this service is offered by a community organization.
  • Day centres: three centres in urban areas offer day activity services.
    • Multi-handicapped clients: programming including sensory activities offered by educators, orderlies and health and social services assistants.
    • Clients needing support in performing functional activities: programming of leisure activities according to interests, offered by an educator, orderlies and health and social services assistants.
    • Clients with rehabilitation needs related to: emotions management, social skills, interest, communication, etc. Programming tailored to specific needs, offered by educators.
  • A la carte service: intensive rehabilitation service for clients with complex needs who require an personalized intervention. This service is offered by educators and rehabilitation assistants.