Vos alternatives aux urgences

I'm worried about my health
- Dial 811 (See page 811)
- Access the Guichet d’accès à la première ligne numérique
- Ask your pharmacist for advice
I need a medical consultation and I have a family doctor
- Book an appointment via: Rendez-vous santé Québec (RVSQ)
- Contact :
- Your family medicine group
- Your CLSC
- Your medical clinic
I need a medical consultation but don't have a family doctor
- Register with Guichet d’accès à un médecin de famille
- If you are already registered with the Guichet d'accès à un médecin de famille :
- Dial 811 - option 3 for Guichet d'accès à la première ligne
Taking care of my physical and mental health at home
Physical health self-care guides :
Self-care guides for mental health :
I'm in danger, have a serious injury or fear for my life
- Dial 911
- Go to thenearest emergency
Useful links and documentation
Vos alternatives aux urgences - Napperon
Emergency alternatives tool for young people - Ça va pas pantoute?