School-based services

Health services in schools are targeted at:

  • Children entering kindergarten
  • Children attending a public elementary school
  • Children attending a public high school

Health services in schools allow:

  • Recommended vaccinations to be provided according to the Quebec Immunisation Protocol guidelines, throughout the child’s educational path.
  • Monitoring and support for pupils with health problems
  • Promotion of healthy lifestyle habits
  • Promotion of a safe and healthy sexuality (STI screening, distribution of condoms, counselling)
  • Introduction of a contraception method
  • Pregnancy tests, after which the client is referred to the appropriate resources

What should I expect?


Your child may be vaccinated at a school vaccination clinic at a CLSC or during a vaccination session at his school (4th grade and 3rd year high school).

Health services in schools:

If a child has a health problem, then a nurse clinician may prepare a response plan in collaboration both with you and the school.

Health services in schools are tailored to the needs of the child/youth. The length of the plan will depend on each specific child, as well as on its established objectives.

When the child transitions to high school, or changes schools, the nurses will be responsible for ensuring continuity of the services.

Some specific interventions not requiring an actual response plan are also offered by nurse clinicians (STI screening, distribution of condoms, assessment of students’ needs, etc.).

Where and when are the services provided?


The vaccination for 4-6 year-olds is offered in the different CLSCs in the region throughout the year.

Nurse clinicians travel to schools to vaccinate 4th grade and 3rd-year high school students.

School health services:

School health services are available at the request of parents, students or a school-based professional, by contacting the nurse in charge at the school or scheduling an appointment in one of our CLSC-based school vaccination clinics.

Services are available throughout the school year. Nurse clinicians regularly visit schools to follow up on students.

The school nurse is available for consultation from 8 AM to 4 PM, Monday to Friday, as needed.