Aire Ouverte (12-25 years old)

What is Aire ouverte?

Services for youth aged 12 to 25 and their relatives where there are no wrong questions, no judgments and where you will find help and answers:

  • Meetings with a professional in person, by phone or virtually
  • For your mental health, your physical health, your sexuality, your relationships, your future, your choices and much more
  • Flexible schedule, according to your availability
  • Professionals come to you, where you feel comfortable talking
  • Fast, free and confidential

Get a service

Opening hours

Closed on holidays*

Monday Appointment only
Tuesday 11am to 7pm walk-in (July 23, 2024 - nurse available between 9am and 1pm)

Nurse absent from July 24 to August 19

Wednesday 9am to 5pm walk-in with youth workers only / closed from 12pm to 1pm
Thursday 11am to 7pm walk-in with youth workers only / closed from 12pm to 1pm
Friday Appointment only
Saturday Closed

An Aire ouverte staff member will contact you confidentially as soon as possible.

If you need immediate help, call 811. If it’s an emergency, call 911.

Call, write or visit us:


  • Facilitate access to services for youth aged 12 to 25
  • Reach youth who do not come to existing services
  • Reach out to youth in vulnerable or socially disaffiliated situations
  • Improve the transition between youth and adult services
  • In complementary to existing service


  • Karine Juneau, Primary healthcare practicioner nurse
  • Camille Paquet, Social worker
  • Jacques Larivière, Educator
  • Élodie Thibault, Sexologist
  • Isabelle Brunet, Psychoeducator
  • Pascale Cyr-Martineau, Special education technician
  • Rebecca Morin, Social worker (parental leave)
  • Natasha Dagenais, Project leader
  • Emilie Giry, Community organizer
  • Ann-Sophie Therrien, Planning, programming and research agent
  • Jocelyne Larivière, Administrative agent
  • Armand Achy, Administratif agent
  • Chance Mudikolele Muteba, Administrative agent

Get involved!

The team wants to hear your ideas and build Aire ouverte with you so that services truly meet the needs of youth in your community.

By becoming a youth partner :

  • You share your ideas and experience to improve services for youth
  • You represent the voice of youth in your community
  • You help us make the right decisions
  • Many ways to get involved, depending on your interests and availability
  • And many other benefits!

Are you interested? 

Contact Emilie Giry, responsible of Youth participation, to learn more.

For parents and relatives

Aire ouverte is built in collaboration with young people and their entourage

By becoming a relative partner :

  • You share your ideas and experience to improve services for youth
  • Your voice is heard and your experience is valued
  • You help us make the right decisions

 How does it work :

  • 6 to 10 meetings per year
  • A casual, non-judgmental coffee meeting style
  • Approximately 2 hours, in person and/or virtually
  • Depending on your availability and interests

 Are you interested?

Contact Emilie Giry, responsible of Youth participation, to learn more.


Coming soon