Youth criminal justice system

The CISSS de l’Outaouais is responsible for assessing, monitoring and providing guidance to youths who have committed an offence under the Criminal Code. Services are provided to youths facing judicial and extrajudicial sanctions of varying degrees and in accordance with prescribed ordinances, with a view to protecting society through reparation, accountability and rehabilitation.

How do I access the services?

Following charges by the police, or where a prosecutor initiates criminal and penal proceedings.

Who will I be dealing with?

The services are offered by a team of professionals (youth workers), who are generally criminologists, social workers or special education teachers.

These professionals receive authorization from the Provincial director pursuant to the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

In Quebec, the DYP assumes the role of provincial director.

Where and when are the services provided?

The youth is usually met at a CISSS de l’Outaouais service point, at the reception centre, at school, or at any other appropriate setting for probation monitoring or for serving his sentence.