Prenatal classes

Virtual prenatal meetings

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, prenatal information sessions are offered free of charge in a virtual format (TEAMS platform). Expectant parents must register in order to receive a web access link before the first meeting.

Services offered

Meetings generally begin around 28 weeks of pregnancy.

The program includes 4 prenatal meetings of 2 hours each, over a period of 4 consecutive weeks.

The main themes covered during the meetings are

  1. Pregnancy, childbirth ;
  2. Pain management and postnatal care;
  3. Parenting, learning how to care for the newborn;
  4. Breastfeeding, feeding your child.

Registration and terms

For all Outaouais territories:

Parents-to-be interested in participating in these meetings must register as soon as possible on our website: Registration for prenatal meetings

Once you have registered, you will receive an invitation to join the TEAMS meetings according to your expected delivery date. Please note that the email may end up in your spam folder.

For more information, please contact

  • The administrative agent of the Gatineau, Collines and Papineau sector
    Community Perinatal and Nutrition Services
    819 966-6550 ext. 332790
  • The administrative agent for the Pontiac sector
    819 647-3851 ext. 2547
  • Administrative agent for the Vallée-de-la-Gatineau sector
    819 449-2387 ext. 2354